Improving People's Lives

What if... and then some I wish I had known this 30 years ago... I found some people that were nice, some rude, some laid back, and others plain crazy. Then again, some took charge, and others were more like wimps or simply didn't care at all.

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Why were they so strange? They needed to change, for sure! Why was it so hard to make me understand why people didn't do what I thought they should do. What was it that I didn't know that hindered my growth as a leader, coach, teacher, father, husband, or even as a student, employee, or son, and any other position I have held in my professional life? Yet the solution was so simple; there was nothing wrong with other people; I just didn't understand them, and even more important, I didn't understand myself. After I understood myself, I could turn it outwards and learn how to understand others. Once that was accomplished, we could work together so much better and really understand each other to accomplish great things. What I have learned... 

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